Friday, April 15, 2016

Mid-April Update


In math, we have been rockin’ two-coordinate planes! Your student is doing a fantastic job of grasping this tough concept and putting it into action in the math studio.  Ask him or her to show you what they know; have him or her show you recent math papers, problem sets, or Sprints we’ve done. Students should be bringing home completed papers on a daily basis.

Students who complete the Fraction-Decimal Equivalency CHALLENGE with a 90% or higher will receive special recognition at the fifth grade awards ceremony. Please look for the study guide paper and help quiz your student.

In science, we’re about half way through our unit on Variables. We have been doing lots of hands-on experiments, and the kids have been highly engaged. Most recently, they built air planes and discovered by changing one variable (mass, for example), it affected how many wind-ups of the propeller was necessary to travel the same distance as the standard.

We have a preview day of West Middle School coming soon in May. Our field trip is May 4th, the 5th grade track meet is May 12th. The next few weeks will be busy, but I’m hopeful students will continue to stay focused as we still have quite a bit of mathematical concepts to learn.

As always, feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.