Thursday, September 22, 2016

Midterm Update

A Note from Mrs. Steele

We are over halfway through our first quarter. The district decided not to print out midterm evaluations this quarter.  I hope you feel informed with what your student is learning in the math classroom.  Please contact me if you would like to talk further. 

Grading for 5th grade math is also based on unit tests (“end of module assessments”).  Grading is based on Common Core State Standards and the numbers 1, 2, and 3 are used to indicate how proficient a student has become in mastering a specific standard.  3 means a student “gets it” most every time and can prove his/her reasoning.  2 means he/she isn’t quite there and needs some prompting or help from a teacher to make connections.  1 means he/she still has a ways to go in demonstrating understanding and fluency on that specific standard.  I like to compare it to learning to tie your shoes.  1 – my mom did it for me.  2 – I got it started with the loops, almost got it snug, but it didn’t stay tied.  3 – I can tie my shoes! And they stay on!

I have put a few assignments and short quizzes in Power School, but they do not go towards a final grade, as per the district’s directive.  These are considered “practice” but you will find the grading similar to the description above.

Students should be bringing home their red plastic folder every night in lieu of the traditional school agenda.  This is our way of communicating with each other.  The pocket “Left at Home” is for papers from the day, and any school or PTO communication. The pocket “Keep Right Here” should have our weekly calendar, and the occasional homework page, usually the G.R.O.W. from Mrs. Curry, but sometimes a math paper. 

Students should be bringing work home that we’ve been doing in our math classroom.  Many of these papers will appear unfinished.  Please do not be worried!  We are doing SO MUCH MATH in school, that we often are only able to complete part of a paper in class.  Unless I have specifically noted, unfinished papers are NOT homework.  You can certainly extend some thinking by asking your student to solve one or two unfinished problems, but it is not required, nor is it homework. 

This week we continued multiplying decimals by whole numbers, and just began dividing decimals by whole numbers.  Please continue to “quiz” your child in short bursts (in the car on the way to practice is always a good time) the multiplication and division facts.  9 x 7, 12 x 12, 81/9 and so on.

Next week is Spirit Week at Mulberry in honor of MHS Homecoming Week.  Students are encouraged to participate in the following manner:
Monday - Pajama Day
Tuesday - Crazy Hair Day
Wednesday - Mismatch Day
Thursday - Mulberry Spirit Day - Wear Red
Friday - Muskie Day - Wear purple/gold

As always, please contact me with questions or concerns.

Mrs. Steele

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